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Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage Cover

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover for Jolzar Entertainment

Pencils and colors by Sean Forney

Inks by Rodney Fyke

Text by Dave Lentz

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover 

Pencils and colors by Sean Forney 

Inks by Rodney Fyke

Text by Dave Lentz

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover

Pencils and colors by Sean Forney

Inks by Rodney Fyke

Text by Dave Lentz

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover 

Pencils and colors by Sean Forney 

Inks by Rodney Fyke

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover

Pencils and colors by Sean Forney

Inks by Rodney Fyke

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover 

Pencils by Sean Forney 

Inks by Rodney Fyke

Text by Dave Lentz

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover

Pencils by Sean Forney

Inks by Rodney Fyke

Text by Dave Lentz

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover 

Pencils by Sean Forney

Power Ninja Toons TMNT homage cover

Pencils by Sean Forney